Site icon Portsmouth Short Film Night

Call for short film submissions

The first-ever Portsmouth Short Film Night is happening February 24, and we want to show your film! We’re looking for shorts of any genre (or un-genre) from independent filmmakers interested in screening their film to an audience. That’s why you made it, right?

The night will be a free event, open to anyone who enjoys watching shorts and talking film. It’s all about getting filmmakers together to show off their work, have fun, meet like-minded people, and maybe even be inspired. If that sounds like your cup of tea, why not send us your film?

Because talking with filmmakers is an important part of the evening, we’d love you to come say a few words about your film. If we receive more films than we have time for, we’ll give preference to those who can be present to talk, but we’re open to submissions from anyone, no matter where you are!


Let’s keep it simple: just send us a link to view the film, either as a stream or a download. If we decide to show your film, we can then arrange to get a high-quality copy from you for screening.

Also be sure to let us know if one of the filmmakers can come talk at the screening, so we can consider you first.


Our soft deadline is February 4. That means we will continue to consider films submitted after that date, but only on an as-needed basis. So submit before the deadline to be sure your film is considered!

Do it!

So go on, what are you waiting for? Send us your film! We can’t wait to see it.

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