This is part of a series of posts from the filmmakers previewing the different films that will be screened at Portsmouth Short Film Night.
He’s usually a great listener, but my husband misheard the lyrics to Beyonce’s “Sweet Dreams.” I was reluctant to share this film publicly, as I made it as a love letter to my husband who was spending his birthday alone working on a contract in Virginia. I knew he was homesick, and we had been apart for months. I got really crafty one weekend and decided that I had to make a music video. All of the characters from our apartment in Portsmouth (including the rain pouring in through the windowsills) are included as a reminder of when we were here together. I expected him to be the only one to ever see it, but he was impressed and it began to get around among my friends on social media. I hope you enjoy watching it!
I was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York and have been living in Portsmouth for about a decade. I am the Conference Center Director for Star Island, which is the most beautiful place in the world, and surprisingly just 7 miles off the coast of Rye. I have almost no experience with film-making, but I often engage in random creative activities. Even my dog is more technologically advanced than me. At least that’s what her twitter account would suggest (@ladytherealdog).
Come to Portsmouth Short Film Night on Sunday, February 24 at 7:30pm in 3S Artspace’s Store Gallery in Portsmouth, NH to see this and the other great short films being screened!